# ==== Define cmake build policies that affect compilation and linkage default behaviors # # Set the ITK_NEWEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION string to the newest cmake version # policies that provide successful builds. By setting ITK_NEWEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION # to a value greater than the oldest policies, all policies between # ITK_OLDEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION and CMAKE_VERSION (used for this build) # are set to their NEW behaivor, thereby suppressing policy warnings related to policies # between the ITK_OLDEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION and CMAKE_VERSION. # # CMake versions greater than the ITK_NEWEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION policies will # continue to generate policy warnings "CMake Warning (dev)...Policy CMP0XXX is not set:" # set(ITK_OLDEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION "3.16.3") set(ITK_NEWEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION "3.19.7") cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${ITK_OLDEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION}...${ITK_NEWEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION} FATAL_ERROR) # # Now enumerate specific policies newer than ITK_NEWEST_VALIDATED_POLICIES_VERSION # that may need to be individually set to NEW/OLD # foreach(pnew "CMP0120" "CMP0135") if(POLICY ${pnew}) cmake_policy(SET ${pnew} NEW) endif() endforeach() foreach(pold "") if(POLICY ${pold}) cmake_policy(SET ${pold} OLD) endif() endforeach() # ==== include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/ITKInitializeCXXStandard.cmake) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/ITKInitializeBuildType.cmake) # ==== Define language standard configurations requiring at least c++17 standard if(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD EQUAL "98" OR CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD LESS "17") message(FATAL_ERROR "C++98 to C++14 are no longer supported in ITK version 5.4 and greater.") endif() set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) include(itkVersion) set(ITK_VERSION "${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}.${ITK_VERSION_PATCH}") project(ITK VERSION ${ITK_VERSION} DESCRIPTION "The Insight Toolkit (ITK) is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration." HOMEPAGE_URL "https://itk.org" LANGUAGES CXX C) set(ITK_CMAKE_DIR "${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake") if (APPLE) include(itkApple) endif () include(itkCompilerChecks) include(itkSupportMacros) # Configure CMake variables that will be used in the module macros # ITK_USE_FILE is used when a remote module includes an example directory # that can be configured as an independent project. set(ITK_CONFIG_CMAKE_DIR "${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake") set(ITK_USE_FILE "${ITK_CONFIG_CMAKE_DIR}/UseITK.cmake") # ITKInternalConfig.cmake is used to handle find_package(ITK) calls. This is useful # to remote module examples which are set up as independent projects that can be copied # outside of their original project and used without any modification. configure_file(CMake/ITKInternalConfig.cmake ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeTmp/ITKConfig.cmake COPYONLY) include(CMakeDependentOption) # # use ExternalProject include(ExternalProject) if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) if(NOT DEFINED ITK_SKIP_PATH_LENGTH_CHECKS) if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "10.0.14392") # Win10 version 1607 set(_LongPathKey LongPathsEnabled) execute_process(COMMAND reg query HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\FileSystem /v ${_LongPathKey} OUTPUT_VARIABLE _output) string(REGEX MATCH "${_LongPathKey}.*REG_DWORD.*[0-9]x([0-9])" _regex ${_output}) if (${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) set(ITK_SKIP_PATH_LENGTH_CHECKS 0 CACHE BOOL "Skips max path length checks. These checks can be disabled for Windows version 10.0.14393 and later if registry key HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\FileSystem\\LongPathsEnabled is set to 1 and all tools support long paths. As of January 2018, MSBuild and Visual Studio do not support it yet.") endif() endif() endif() endif() if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32 AND NOT ITK_SKIP_PATH_LENGTH_CHECKS) string(LENGTH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" n) if(n GREATER 50) message( FATAL_ERROR "ITK source code directory path length is too long (${n} > 50)." "Please move the ITK source code directory to a directory with a shorter path." ) endif() string(LENGTH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" n) if(n GREATER 50) message( FATAL_ERROR "ITK build directory path length is too long (${n} > 50)." "Please set the ITK build directory to a directory with a shorter path." ) endif() endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(NOT EXISTS "${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/.ExternalData/README.rst") # This file is always present in version-controlled source trees # so we must have been extracted from a source tarball with no # data objects needed for testing. Turn off tests by default # since enabling them requires network access or manual data # store configuration. option(BUILD_TESTING "Build the testing tree." OFF) endif() include(CTest) mark_as_advanced(CLEAR BUILD_TESTING) if(MSVC) #-- Configure MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME only if using MSVC environment option(ITK_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "Link to MSVC's static CRT (/MT and /MTd). OFF (default) means link to regular, dynamic CRT (/MD and /MDd)." OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY) set(ITK_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_value ${ITK_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY}) if(ITK_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY) set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreaded$<$:Debug>") message(STATUS "Using MSVC's static CRT (/MT and /MTd)") else() set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreaded$<$:Debug>DLL") message(STATUS "Using MSVC's dynamic CRT (/MD and /MDd)") endif() endif() include(ITKDownloadSetup) include(PreventInSourceBuilds) include(PreventInBuildInstalls) include(ITKModuleMacros) include(ITKExternalData) include(ITKModuleTest) include(itkCheckSourceTree) set(main_project_name ${_ITKModuleMacros_DEFAULT_LABEL}) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- configure_file(CMake/ITKConfigVersion.cmake.in ITKConfigVersion.cmake @ONLY) if(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR lib) endif() if(NOT ITK_INSTALL_RUNTIME_DIR) set(ITK_INSTALL_RUNTIME_DIR bin) endif() if(NOT ITK_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR) set(ITK_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) endif() if(NOT ITK_INSTALL_ARCHIVE_DIR) set(ITK_INSTALL_ARCHIVE_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) endif() if(NOT ITK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR) set(ITK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR include/ITK-${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}) endif() if(NOT ITK_INSTALL_DATA_DIR) set(ITK_INSTALL_DATA_DIR share/ITK-${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}) endif() if(NOT ITK_INSTALL_DOC_DIR) set(ITK_INSTALL_DOC_DIR share/doc/ITK-${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}) endif() if(NOT ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR) set(ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/ITK-${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}") endif() # Override CMake's built-in add_* commands: assign LABELS to tests and targets # automatically. Depends on the CMake variable itk-module being set to the # "current" module when add_* is called. macro(verify_itk_module_is_set) if("" STREQUAL "${itk-module}") message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake variable itk-module is not set") endif() endmacro() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do we try to use system libraries by default? option(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES "Use the system's libraries by default. If this is not set during the initial configuration, it will have no effect." OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable the download and use of BrainWeb datasets. # When this data is available, additional 3D tests are enabled. option(ITK_USE_BRAINWEB_DATA "Download and use BrainWeb data for advanced testing" OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_BRAINWEB_DATA) if(ITK_BRAINWEB_DATA_ROOT) message(WARNING "ITK_BRAINWEB_DATA_ROOT is not longer supported!" "Please update to ITK_USE_BRAINWEB_DATA." ) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1 is a CMake internal variable. It should not be used # in ITK's configuration. If it is set, it most likely means that # a developer is configuring ITK to be built with a launcher such as ccache # or distcc. This should be done with the CMake variable # CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER_FLAG. if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1) message(WARNING "The CMake variable CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1 is set. This most\ likely mean that the developer is trying to use ccache or distcc. The CMake\ variable CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER_FLAG should be used instead.") endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ITK build configuration options. option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build ITK with shared libraries." OFF) set(ITK_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) set(ITK_DYNAMIC_LOADING_DEFAULT ON) if(WASI OR EMSCRIPTEN) set(ITK_DYNAMIC_LOADING_DEFAULT OFF) endif() option(ITK_DYNAMIC_LOADING "Support run-time loading of shared libraries" ${ITK_DYNAMIC_LOADING_DEFAULT}) mark_as_advanced(ITK_DYNAMIC_LOADING) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wrapping options include(Wrapping/CMakeUtilityFunctions.cmake) include(Wrapping/WrappingOptions.cmake) include(ITKSetStandardCompilerFlags) #--------------------------------------------------------------- set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${ITK_REQUIRED_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${ITK_REQUIRED_CXX_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${ITK_REQUIRED_LINK_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${ITK_REQUIRED_LINK_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${ITK_REQUIRED_LINK_FLAGS}") if(NOT CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE) set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() # Because GoogleTest sets CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX CMake CACHE variable to "d" when it is # built in debug, we preemptively set it to an empty string to avoid having a postfix # added to the ITK library names. set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "" CACHE STRING "Generate debug library name with a postfix.") mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX) # Configure find_package behavior if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY) set(CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY 0) endif() # Setup build locations for shared libraries ----START # ITK/CMakeLists.txt -- use ITK_BINARY_DIR as root # ITK/CMake/ITKModuleExternal.cmake -- use ITK_DIR as root # # The default path when not wrapping. Restore standard build location # if python wrapping is turned on, and then turned off. if(NOT CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) set(NO_WRAP_CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} CACHE PATH "Shared library directory") else() set(NO_WRAP_CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} CACHE PATH "Shared library directory") endif() if(NOT CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) set(NO_WRAP_CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/bin CACHE PATH "Shared library directory") else() set(NO_WRAP_CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} CACHE PATH "Shared library directory") endif() include(WrappingConfigCommon) # Setup build locations for shared libraries ----STOP if(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES AND ITK_WRAPPING) add_custom_target(remove_all_wrapped_libs COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -rf ${ITK_PYTHON_PACKAGE_DIR}/*.so ${ITK_PYTHON_PACKAGE_DIR}/*.dylib ${ITK_PYTHON_PACKAGE_DIR}/*.dll WORKING_DIRECTORY ${ITK_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "A convenience target to cleanup library directories when switching between ITK_WRAP/nowrap, or between configs in a multi-config build." ) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) endif() set(ITK_MODULES_DIR "${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR}/Modules") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Provide compatibility options. # During major release updates deprecated interface may be needed for backwards compatibility cmake_dependent_option(ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE "Remove current legacy code completely." OFF "NOT ITK_WRAPPING" ON) # During minor releases bugs may be identified that identify broken interface, or # useless interfaces that need to be retained to not break backwards compatibilty. # These ITK_FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE are another level of granularity for # which backwards compatible features we want to maintain. cmake_dependent_option(ITK_FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE "Completely remove compilation of code which will become deprecated by default in ITKv6." OFF "ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE" OFF) cmake_dependent_option(ITK_LEGACY_SILENT "Silence all legacy code messages when ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE:BOOL=OFF." OFF "NOT ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE" OFF) # The disabling of legacy code, and the ITKv4 compatibility option can not both be # requested. If removal of legacy code is requested, then ITKV4_COMPATIBILITY must # be off. cmake_dependent_option(ITKV4_COMPATIBILITY "Enable LEGACY compatibility with ITK4.x when possible." OFF "NOT ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE" OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_LEGACY_SILENT ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE ITK_FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE ITKV4_COMPATIBILITY) if (ITKV3_COMPATIBILITY) message(FATAL_ERROR "ITKV3_COMPATIBILITY is removed starting in ITK version 5.0, this option is no longer valid.") endif() # Chose flavour of Analyze reader set(ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR_DOC_STRING "Which flavour of Analyze reader to use by default") set(ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR "ITK4Warning" CACHE STRING ${ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR_DOC_STRING}) set_property(CACHE ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR PROPERTY STRINGS ITK4Warning ITK4 SPM FSL Reject) if(NOT ("${ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR}" STREQUAL "ITK4Warning" OR "${ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR}" STREQUAL "ITK4" OR "${ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR}" STREQUAL "SPM" OR "${ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR}" STREQUAL "FSL" OR "${ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR}" STREQUAL "Reject" )) set(ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR "ITK4Warning" CACHE STRING ${ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR_DOC_STRING} FORCE) endif() mark_as_advanced(ITK_NIFTI_IO_ANALYZE_FLAVOR) # Allow non-orthogonal rotation matrix approximation in NIFTI files option(ITK_NIFTI_IO_SFORM_PERMISSIVE_DEFAULT "Allow non-orthogonal rotation matrix in NIFTI sform by default" OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_NIFTI_IO_SFORM_PERMISSIVE_DEFAULT) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ITK build classes that are in the review process # ITK_USE_REVIEW is deprecated, only kept for backward compatibility if (ITK_USE_REVIEW AND NOT Module_ITKReview) message(WARNING "ITK_USE_REVIEW is deprecated, please use Module_ITKReview to turn Review module ON/OFF") set(Module_ITKReview ON CACHE BOOL "Module containing code from the Review directory of ITKv4." FORCE) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ITK uses KWStyle for checking the coding style include(${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/KWStyle/KWStyle.cmake) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build the Examples that are illustrated in the Software Guide. option(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build the examples from the ITK Software Guide." OFF) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable GPU support. Requires OpenCL to be installed option(ITK_USE_GPU "GPU acceleration via OpenCL" OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_GPU) if(ITK_USE_GPU) include(itkOpenCL) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Manage FFT v3 Options # option(ITK_USE_MKL "Use system Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) for FFT computation." OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_MKL) if(ITK_USE_MKL) # The following lines are only useful if one sets `ITK_USE_MKL` to ON in # the command line. Otherwise, the first CMake run will always initialize # these variables to false. The error message will help the user to set # the appropriate values. set(ITK_USE_FFTWD ON CACHE BOOL "Use double precision FFTW if found") set(ITK_USE_FFTWF ON CACHE BOOL "Use single precision FFTW if found") set(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW ON CACHE BOOL "Use an installed version of FFTW") if(NOT ITK_USE_FFTWD OR NOT ITK_USE_FFTWF OR NOT ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW) message(FATAL_ERROR "ITK_USE_MKL is set to ON. ITK_USE_FFTWD, ITK_USE_FFTWF\ and ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW must be set to ON, too.") endif() endif() option(ITK_USE_CUFFTW "Use NVidia CUDA cuFFT with its FFTW interface for FFT computation." OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_CUFFTW) if(ITK_USE_CUFFTW) # The following lines are only useful if one sets `ITK_USE_CUFFTW` to ON in # the command line. Otherwise, the first CMake run will always initialize # these variables to false. The error message will help the user to set # the appropriate values. set(ITK_USE_FFTWD ON CACHE BOOL "Use double precision FFTW if found") set(ITK_USE_FFTWF ON CACHE BOOL "Use single precision FFTW if found") set(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW ON CACHE BOOL "Use an installed version of FFTW") if(NOT ITK_USE_FFTWD OR NOT ITK_USE_FFTWF OR NOT ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW) message(FATAL_ERROR "ITK_USE_CUFFTW is set to ON. ITK_USE_FFTWD, ITK_USE_FFTWF\ and ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW must be set to ON, too.") endif() endif() # ITK_USE_FFTWD -- use double precision FFTW if(DEFINED USE_FFTWD) set(ITK_USE_FFTWD_DEFAULT ${USE_FFTWD}) else() set(ITK_USE_FFTWD_DEFAULT OFF) endif() option(ITK_USE_FFTWD "Use double precision FFTW if found" ${ITK_USE_FFTWD_DEFAULT}) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_FFTWD) # # ITK_USE_FFTWF -- use single precision FFTW if(DEFINED USE_FFTWF) set(ITK_USE_FFTWF_DEFAULT ${USE_FFTWF}) else() set(ITK_USE_FFTWF_DEFAULT OFF) endif() option(ITK_USE_FFTWF "Use single precision FFTW if found" ${ITK_USE_FFTWF_DEFAULT}) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_FFTWF) # ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW -- locate a readybuilt FFTW installation if(DEFINED USE_SYSTEM_FFTW) set(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW_DEFAULT ${USE_SYSTEM_FFTW}) else() set(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW_DEFAULT ${ITK_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES}) endif() option(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW "Use an installed version of FFTW" ${ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW_DEFAULT}) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW) if(ITK_USE_FFTWD OR ITK_USE_FFTWF) include(itkExternal_FFTW) # This pollutes the global namespace, but is needed for backward compatibility include_directories(${FFTW_INCLUDE}) link_directories(${FFTW_LIBDIR}) endif() set(ITK_USE_64BITS_IDS_DEFAULT "OFF") # Note WIN32 is true when targeting any windows system if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL "8" AND WIN32) set(ITK_USE_64BITS_IDS_DEFAULT "ON") endif() option(ITK_USE_64BITS_IDS "When ON, ITK will use 64-bit integer types instead of long types for sizes and indexes. This is needed for managing images larger than 4Gb in some platforms." "${ITK_USE_64BITS_IDS_DEFAULT}") mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_64BITS_IDS) # ITK turn on concept checking option(ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING "Turn on concept checking to give helpful errors at compile time if a type cannot be used as a template parameter." ON) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING) if(ITK_USE_STRICT_CONCEPT_CHECKING) message(WARNING "Compilers requiring ITK_USE_STRICT_CONCEPT_CHECKING are no longer supported. This variable is no longer used.") endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory wrapping options. # These are not correctly set when using cmake without the -DITK_WRAP_PYTHON:BOOL=ON flag. # In this case we need to tell the user that he has to change the flags manually to the right values. if(ITK_WRAPPING) set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE 1) endif() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(ITK_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR "${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/Testing/Temporary") # Configure the default ITK_DATA_ROOT for the location of ITK Data. set(ITK_DATA_ROOT ${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Testing/Data) # Location of ITK Example Data. set(ITK_EXAMPLE_DATA_ROOT "${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Examples/Data") # This flag is used in particular, to enable some tests that require large memory to run. # Test that have significant memory requirements should use # "set_tests_properties(testname PROPERTIES RESOURCE_LOCK MEMORY_SIZE)", # so that only 1 of the memory constrained tests is run at a time. (NOTE: Other low # memory tests that do not have the RESOURCE_LOCK requirement can be run at the same time.) # Allow for tests that may use upto 80% of the computer memory to be used for testing. cmake_host_system_information(RESULT ITK_COMPUTER_MEMORY_AVAILABLE_MB QUERY TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY) math(EXPR EIGHTY_PERCENT_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_IN_GB "(${ITK_COMPUTER_MEMORY_AVAILABLE_MB} * 80) / ( 1024 * 100)") set(ITK_COMPUTER_MEMORY_SIZE ${EIGHTY_PERCENT_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_IN_GB} CACHE STRING "Provide here the size of your RAM in gibibytes") unset(EIGHTY_PERCENT_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_IN_GB) unset(ITK_COMPUTER_MEMORY_AVAILABLE_MB) mark_as_advanced(ITK_COMPUTER_MEMORY_SIZE) #This flag sets the floating point type used in itk::ImageBase for # spacing/direction/origin to single precision option(ITK_USE_FLOAT_SPACE_PRECISION "Use single precision for origin/spacing/directions in itk::Image" OFF) mark_as_advanced(ITK_USE_FLOAT_SPACE_PRECISION) # This flag allows to not build itkTestDrivers while still configuring all the tests and disable all # tests that are implemented in the `test` folder in each ITK module. It does not disable tests # that are implemented in the wrapping folder. # This is used by dashboards to speed up compilation and testing on certain platforms. option(DISABLE_MODULE_TESTS "Disable all ITK module tests in `test` folder" OFF) mark_as_advanced(DISABLE_MODULE_TESTS) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Need to set python variables before remote modules are included. if(BUILD_TESTING OR ITK_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION OR ITK_WRAP_PYTHON) set(PYTHON_DEVELOPMENT_REQUIRED ${ITK_WRAP_PYTHON}) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/ITKSetPython3Vars.cmake) if(ITK_WRAP_PYTHON AND NOT Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Python version ${Python3_VERSION} development environment not found for wrapping.") endif() if(NOT Python3_ROOT_DIR) get_filename_component(Python3_ROOT_DIR ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} DIRECTORY) endif() endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure Eigen3 before ITKModuleEnablement # No download or build is performed. Generates Targets and Config.cmake files for Eigen include(itkExternal_Eigen3) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure remote modules are downloaded before sorting out the module # dependencies. add_subdirectory(Modules/Remote) # Enable modules according to user inputs and the module dependency DAG. include(ITKModuleEnablement) # Setup clang-format for code style enforcement include(ITKClangFormatSetup) # Setup clang-tidy for code best-practices enforcement for C++11 include(ITKClangTidySetup) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate ITKConfig.cmake for the build tree. set(ITK_CONFIG_CODE " set(ITK_MODULES_DIR \"${ITK_MODULES_DIR}\")") set(ITK_CONFIG_TARGETS_CONDITION " AND NOT ITK_BINARY_DIR") set(ITK_CONFIG_TARGETS_FILE "${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/ITKTargets.cmake") set(ITK_CONFIG_MODULE_API_FILE "${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/ITKModuleAPI.cmake") configure_file(CMake/ITKConfig.cmake.in ITKConfig.cmake @ONLY) # Generate ITKConfig.cmake for the install tree. set(ITK_CONFIG_CODE " # Compute the installation prefix from this ITKConfig.cmake file location. get_filename_component(ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX \"\${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\" PATH)") # Construct the proper number of get_filename_component(... PATH) # calls to compute the installation prefix. string(REGEX REPLACE "/" ";" _count "${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR}") foreach(p ${_count}) set(ITK_CONFIG_CODE "${ITK_CONFIG_CODE} get_filename_component(ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX \"\${ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX}\" PATH)") endforeach() set(ITK_CONFIG_CODE "${ITK_CONFIG_CODE} set(ITK_MODULES_DIR \"\${ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR}/Modules\")") set(ITK_USE_FILE "\${ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR}/UseITK.cmake") set(ITK_CONFIG_CMAKE_DIR "\${ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR}") set(ITK_CONFIG_TARGETS_CONDITION "") set(ITK_CONFIG_TARGETS_FILE "\${ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR}/ITKTargets.cmake") set(ITK_CONFIG_MODULE_API_FILE "\${ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR}/ITKModuleAPI.cmake") if(NOT ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW) # Location installed with the FFTW ExternalProject. set(FFTW_LIBDIR "\${ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/ITK-${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}") set(FFTW_INCLUDE_PATH "\${ITK_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/ITK-${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}/Algorithms") endif() configure_file(CMake/ITKConfig.cmake.in CMakeFiles/ITKConfig.cmake @ONLY) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- install(FILES ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/ITKConfig.cmake ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/ITKConfigVersion.cmake CMake/ITKModuleAPI.cmake CMake/UseITK.cmake CMake/ITKFactoryRegistration.cmake CMake/itkFFTImageFilterInitFactoryRegisterManager.h.in CMake/itkImageIOFactoryRegisterManager.h.in CMake/itkTransformIOFactoryRegisterManager.h.in CMake/itkMeshIOFactoryRegisterManager.h.in CMake/ITKInitializeCXXStandard.cmake DESTINATION ${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR} COMPONENT Development) get_property(ITKTargets_MODULES GLOBAL PROPERTY ITKTargets_MODULES) if(ITKTargets_MODULES) install(EXPORT ITKTargets DESTINATION ${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR} COMPONENT Development) else() set(CMAKE_CONFIGURABLE_FILE_CONTENT "# No targets!") configure_file(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakeConfigurableFile.in ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/ITKTargets.cmake @ONLY) install(FILES ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/ITKTargets.cmake DESTINATION ${ITK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR} COMPONENT Development) endif() install(FILES "LICENSE" "NOTICE" "README.md" DESTINATION ${ITK_INSTALL_DOC_DIR} COMPONENT Runtime) if(BUILD_TESTING) # If building the testing, write the test costs (i.e. time to run) # analysis to disk to more easily review long-running test times set(CTEST_COST_DATA_FILE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/test_cost.list" CACHE FILEPATH "Configurable path to CTest cost data file.") mark_as_advanced(CTEST_COST_DATA_FILE) add_subdirectory(Utilities/InstallTest) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The subdirectories added below this line should use only the public # interface with find_package(ITK). Set ITK_DIR to use this ITK build. set(ITK_DIR "${ITK_BINARY_DIR}") if(ITK_WRAPPING) add_subdirectory(Wrapping) endif() if(BUILD_EXAMPLES) add_subdirectory(Examples) endif() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Provide an option for generating documentation. add_subdirectory(Utilities/Doxygen) # Create target to download data from the ITKData group. This must come after # all tests have been added that reference the group, so we put it last. include(ExternalData) ExternalData_Add_Target(ITKData) mark_as_advanced(FORCE Module_AdaptiveDenoising Module_AnalyzeObjectLabelMap Module_AnisotropicDiffusionLBR Module_BioCell Module_BoneEnhancement Module_BoneMorphometry Module_BSplineGradient Module_Cleaver Module_Cuberille Module_CudaCommon Module_FixedPointInverseDisplacementField Module_GenericLabelInterpolator Module_GrowCut Module_HASI Module_HigherOrderAccurateGradient Module_IOFDF Module_IOMeshSTL Module_IOOpenSlide Module_IOScanco Module_IOTransformDCMTK Module_IsotropicWavelets Module_LabelErodeDilate Module_LesionSizingToolkit Module_MeshNoise Module_MeshToPolyData Module_MGHIO Module_MinimalPathExtraction Module_Montage Module_MorphologicalContourInterpolation Module_MultipleImageIterator Module_ParabolicMorphology Module_PerformanceBenchmarking Module_PhaseSymmetry Module_PolarTransform Module_PrincipalComponentsAnalysis Module_RLEImage Module_RTK Module_SCIFIO Module_Shape Module_SimpleITKFilters Module_SkullStrip Module_SmoothingRecursiveYvvGaussianFilter Module_SphinxExamples Module_SplitComponents Module_Strain Module_SubdivisionQuadEdgeMeshFilter Module_TextureFeatures Module_Thickness3D Module_TotalVariation Module_TubeTK Module_TwoProjectionRegistration Module_Ultrasound Module_VariationalRegistration Module_VkFFTBackend Module_WebAssemblyInterface ) mark_as_advanced(FORCE NSIS_EXECUTABLE WIX_EXECUTABLE ) # Create an IDE folder structure similar to our source structure if("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Xcode|Visual Studio|KDevelop") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) function(itk_organize_targets dir folder) itk_get_all_targets_recursive(targets ${dir}) foreach(t ${targets}) # INTERFACE_LIBRARY warns about non-whitelisted properties for CMake < 3.19 get_target_property(type ${t} TYPE) if (NOT "${type}" STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") get_target_property(f ${t} SOURCE_DIR) string(REPLACE ${dir} "" f ${f}) set_target_properties (${t} PROPERTIES FOLDER "${folder}/${f}") endif() endforeach() endfunction() macro(itk_get_all_targets_recursive targets dir) get_property(subdirectories DIRECTORY ${dir} PROPERTY SUBDIRECTORIES) foreach(subdir ${subdirectories}) itk_get_all_targets_recursive(${targets} ${subdir}) endforeach() get_property(current_targets DIRECTORY ${dir} PROPERTY BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS) list(APPEND ${targets} ${current_targets}) endmacro() itk_organize_targets(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ITK) endif()