Setting build type to 'Release' as none was specified. The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.15.26726.0 The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.15.26726.0 Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.15.26726/bin/Hostx86/x86/cl.exe Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.15.26726/bin/Hostx86/x86/cl.exe -- works Detecting CXX compiler ABI info Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done Detecting CXX compile features Detecting CXX compile features - done Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.15.26726/bin/Hostx86/x86/cl.exe Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.15.26726/bin/Hostx86/x86/cl.exe -- works Detecting C compiler ABI info Detecting C compiler ABI info - done Detecting C compile features Detecting C compile features - done Found Git: C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe (found version "") Found PythonInterp: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/Shared/Python36_64/python.exe (found version "3.6.6") Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-uninitialized Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-uninitialized - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-unused-parameter Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-unused-parameter - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-W3 Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-W3 - Success Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-long-double Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-long-double - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wcast-align Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wcast-align - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wdisabled-optimization Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wdisabled-optimization - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wextra Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wextra - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wformat_2 Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wformat_2 - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Winvalid-pch Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Winvalid-pch - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-format-nonliteral Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-format-nonliteral - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wpointer-arith Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wpointer-arith - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wshadow Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wshadow - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wunused Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wunused - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wwrite-strings Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wwrite-strings - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-funit-at-a-time Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-funit-at-a-time - Failed Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-strict-overflow Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-strict-overflow - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-W3 Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-W3 - Success Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-long-double Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-long-double - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wcast-align Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wcast-align - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wdisabled-optimization Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wdisabled-optimization - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wextra Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wextra - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wformat_2 Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wformat_2 - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Winvalid-pch Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Winvalid-pch - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-format-nonliteral Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-format-nonliteral - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wpointer-arith Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wpointer-arith - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wshadow Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wshadow - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wunused Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wunused - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wwrite-strings Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wwrite-strings - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-funit-at-a-time Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-funit-at-a-time - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-strict-overflow Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-strict-overflow - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-deprecated Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-deprecated - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-invalid-offsetof Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-invalid-offsetof - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Woverloaded-virtual Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Woverloaded-virtual - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wstrict-null-sentinel Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wstrict-null-sentinel - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION_FLAG Performing Test CXX_HAS_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION_FLAG - Failed Enabled ITKAnisotropicSmoothing, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKAntiAlias, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKBiasCorrection, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKBinaryMathematicalMorphology, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKBioCell, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKClassifiers, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKColormap, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKCommon, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKConnectedComponents, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKConvolution, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKCurvatureFlow, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKDICOMParser, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKDeconvolution, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKDeformableMesh, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKDenoising, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKDiffusionTensorImage, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKDisplacementField, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKDistanceMap, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKDoubleConversion, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKEigen, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKExpat, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKFEM, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKFEMRegistration, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKFFT, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKFastMarching, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKFiniteDifference, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGDCM, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGIFTI, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGPUAnisotropicSmoothing, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGPUCommon, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGPUFiniteDifference, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGPUImageFilterBase, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGPUPDEDeformableRegistration, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGPURegistrationCommon, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGPUSmoothing, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGPUThresholding, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKGoogleTest, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKHDF5, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOBMP, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOBioRad, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOBruker, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOCSV, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOGDCM, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOGE, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOGIPL, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOHDF5, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOIPL, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOImageBase, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOJPEG, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOLSM, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOMINC, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOMRC, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOMesh, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOMeta, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIONIFTI, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIONRRD, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOPNG, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIORAW, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOSiemens, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOSpatialObjects, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOStimulate, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOTIFF, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOTransformBase, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOTransformHDF5, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOTransformMatlab, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOVTK, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIOXML, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageAdaptors, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageCompare, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageCompose, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageFeature, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageFilterBase, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageFunction, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageFusion, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageGradient, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageGrid, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageIntensity, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageLabel, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageNoise, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageSources, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKImageStatistics, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKIntegratedTest, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKJPEG, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKKLMRegionGrowing, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKKWIML, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKKWSys, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKLIBLBFGS, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKLabelMap, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKLabelVoting, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKLevelSets, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKLevelSetsv4, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKMINC, needed by [ITKIOMINC]. Enabled ITKMarkovRandomFieldsClassifiers, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKMathematicalMorphology, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKMesh, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKMetaIO, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKMetricsv4, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKNIFTI, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKNarrowBand, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKNetlib, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKNeuralNetworks, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKNrrdIO, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKOptimizers, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKOptimizersv4, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKPDEDeformableRegistration, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKPNG, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKPath, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKPolynomials, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKQuadEdgeMesh, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKQuadEdgeMeshFiltering, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKRegionGrowing, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKRegistrationCommon, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKRegistrationMethodsv4, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKSignedDistanceFunction, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKSmoothing, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKSpatialFunction, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKSpatialObjects, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKStatistics, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKTIFF, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKTestKernel, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKThresholding, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKTransform, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKTransformFactory, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKVNL, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKVNLInstantiation, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKVTK, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKVideoCore, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKVideoFiltering, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKVideoIO, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKVoronoi, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKWatersheds, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Enabled ITKZLIB, requested by ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. Double correction test returned: 89255.0/1e22 = 8.9255e-18 Checking whether header cstdio is available Checking whether header cstdio is available - yes Checking for Large File Support Checking for Large File Support - failed to compile Checking whether C++ compiler has 'long long' Checking whether C++ compiler has 'long long' - yes Checking whether C++ compiler has '__int64' Checking whether C++ compiler has '__int64' - yes Checking whether long and __int64 are the same type Checking whether long and __int64 are the same type - no Checking whether long long and __int64 are the same type Checking whether long long and __int64 are the same type - yes Checking whether wstring is available Checking whether wstring is available - yes Checking whether C compiler has ptrdiff_t in stddef.h Checking whether C compiler has ptrdiff_t in stddef.h - yes Checking whether C compiler has ssize_t in unistd.h Checking whether C compiler has ssize_t in unistd.h - no Checking whether C compiler has clock_gettime Checking whether C compiler has clock_gettime - no Checking whether CXX compiler has setenv Checking whether CXX compiler has setenv - no Checking whether CXX compiler has unsetenv Checking whether CXX compiler has unsetenv - no Checking whether CXX compiler has environ in stdlib.h Checking whether CXX compiler has environ in stdlib.h - yes Checking whether CXX compiler has utimes Checking whether CXX compiler has utimes - no Checking whether CXX compiler has utimensat Checking whether CXX compiler has utimensat - no Checking whether CXX compiler struct stat has st_mtim member Checking whether CXX compiler struct stat has st_mtim member - no Checking whether CXX compiler struct stat has st_mtimespec member Checking whether CXX compiler struct stat has st_mtimespec member - no Looking for include files sys/types.h, ifaddrs.h Looking for include files sys/types.h, ifaddrs.h - not found Looking for GetProcessMemoryInfo Looking for GetProcessMemoryInfo - found Checking whether CXX compiler has rlimit64 Checking whether CXX compiler has rlimit64 - no Checking whether CXX compiler has atol Checking whether CXX compiler has atol - yes Checking whether CXX compiler has atoll Checking whether CXX compiler has atoll - yes Checking whether CXX compiler has _atoi64 Checking whether CXX compiler has _atoi64 - yes Checking whether is available Checking whether is available - no Performing Test VCL_HAS_BOOL Performing Test VCL_HAS_BOOL - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_LONG_LONG Performing Test VCL_HAS_LONG_LONG - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_TYPENAME Performing Test VCL_HAS_TYPENAME - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_EXPORT Performing Test VCL_HAS_EXPORT - Failed Performing Test VCL_HAS_MUTABLE Performing Test VCL_HAS_MUTABLE - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_EXPLICIT Performing Test VCL_HAS_EXPLICIT - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_DYNAMIC_CAST Performing Test VCL_HAS_DYNAMIC_CAST - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_RTTI Performing Test VCL_HAS_RTTI - Success Performing Test VCL_DEFAULT_VALUE Performing Test VCL_DEFAULT_VALUE - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_MEMBER_TEMPLATES Performing Test VCL_HAS_MEMBER_TEMPLATES - Success Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION - Success Performing Test VCL_ALLOWS_INLINE_INSTANTIATION Performing Test VCL_ALLOWS_INLINE_INSTANTIATION - Success Performing Test VCL_NEEDS_INLINE_INSTANTIATION Performing Test VCL_NEEDS_INLINE_INSTANTIATION - Success Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_STATIC_TEMPLATE_MEMBER Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_STATIC_TEMPLATE_MEMBER - Success Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_NON_TYPE_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_NON_TYPE_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER - Success Performing Test VCL_NEED_FRIEND_FOR_TEMPLATE_OVERLOAD Performing Test VCL_NEED_FRIEND_FOR_TEMPLATE_OVERLOAD - Success Performing Test VCL_OVERLOAD_CAST Performing Test VCL_OVERLOAD_CAST - Success Performing Test VCL_NULL_TMPL_ARGS Performing Test VCL_NULL_TMPL_ARGS - Failed Performing Test VCL_NO_STATIC_DATA_MEMBERS Performing Test VCL_NO_STATIC_DATA_MEMBERS - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_TEMPLATE_SYMBOLS Performing Try-Run Test VCL_HAS_TEMPLATE_SYMBOLS - Test Compilation Failed Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_COMPLETE_DEFAULT_TYPE_PARAMETER Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_COMPLETE_DEFAULT_TYPE_PARAMETER - Success Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_TYPE_PARAMETER Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_TYPE_PARAMETER - Success Performing Test VCL_TEMPLATE_MATCHES_TOO_OFTEN Performing Test VCL_TEMPLATE_MATCHES_TOO_OFTEN - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_EXCEPTIONS Performing Test VCL_HAS_EXCEPTIONS - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_NAMESPACES Performing Test VCL_HAS_NAMESPACES - Failed Performing Test VCL_ALLOWS_NAMESPACE_STD Performing Test VCL_ALLOWS_NAMESPACE_STD - Success Performing Test VCL_NEEDS_NAMESPACE_STD Performing Test VCL_NEEDS_NAMESPACE_STD - Failed Performing Test VCL_HAS_SLICED_DESTRUCTOR_BUG Performing Test VCL_HAS_SLICED_DESTRUCTOR_BUG - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_WORKING_STRINGSTREAM Performing Test VCL_HAS_WORKING_STRINGSTREAM - Success Performing Test VXL_UNISTD_USLEEP_IS_VOID Performing Test VXL_UNISTD_USLEEP_IS_VOID - Failed Performing Test VXL_STDLIB_HAS_QSORT Performing Test VXL_STDLIB_HAS_QSORT - Success Performing Test VXL_C_MATH_HAS_LROUND Performing Test VXL_C_MATH_HAS_LROUND - Success Performing Test VCL_HAS_LFS Performing Test VCL_HAS_LFS - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_DBGHELP_H Performing Test VXL_HAS_DBGHELP_H - Success Performing Test VCL_DEFINE_SPECIALIZATION Performing Test VCL_DEFINE_SPECIALIZATION - Success Performing Test VCL_CANNOT_SPECIALIZE_CV Performing Test VCL_CANNOT_SPECIALIZE_CV - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_WIN_WCHAR_T Performing Test VXL_HAS_WIN_WCHAR_T - Success Performing Test VXL_PIC_COMPATIBLE Performing Test VXL_PIC_COMPATIBLE - Success Looking for C++ include cassert Looking for C++ include cassert - found Looking for C++ include ciso646 Looking for C++ include ciso646 - found Looking for C++ include csetjmp Looking for C++ include csetjmp - found Looking for C++ include cstdio Looking for C++ include cstdio - found Looking for C++ include ctime Looking for C++ include ctime - found Looking for C++ include cctype Looking for C++ include cctype - found Looking for C++ include climits Looking for C++ include climits - found Looking for C++ include csignal Looking for C++ include csignal - found Looking for C++ include cstdlib Looking for C++ include cstdlib - found Looking for C++ include cwchar Looking for C++ include cwchar - found Looking for C++ include cerrno Looking for C++ include cerrno - found Looking for C++ include clocale Looking for C++ include clocale - found Looking for C++ include cstdarg Looking for C++ include cstdarg - found Looking for C++ include cstring Looking for C++ include cstring - found Looking for C++ include cwctype Looking for C++ include cwctype - found Looking for C++ include cfloat Looking for C++ include cfloat - found Looking for C++ include cmath Looking for C++ include cmath - found Looking for C++ include cstddef Looking for C++ include cstddef - found Looking for C++ include algorithm Looking for C++ include algorithm - found Looking for C++ include iomanip Looking for C++ include iomanip - found Looking for C++ include list Looking for C++ include list - found Looking for C++ include ostream Looking for C++ include ostream - found Looking for C++ include streambuf Looking for C++ include streambuf - found Looking for C++ include bitset Looking for C++ include bitset - found Looking for C++ include ios Looking for C++ include ios - found Looking for C++ include locale Looking for C++ include locale - found Looking for C++ include queue Looking for C++ include queue - found Looking for C++ include string Looking for C++ include string - found Looking for C++ include complex Looking for C++ include complex - found Looking for C++ include iosfwd Looking for C++ include iosfwd - found Looking for C++ include map Looking for C++ include map - found Looking for C++ include set Looking for C++ include set - found Looking for C++ include typeinfo Looking for C++ include typeinfo - found Looking for C++ include deque Looking for C++ include deque - found Looking for C++ include iostream Looking for C++ include iostream - found Looking for C++ include memory Looking for C++ include memory - found Looking for C++ include sstream Looking for C++ include sstream - found Looking for C++ include utility Looking for C++ include utility - found Looking for C++ include exception Looking for C++ include exception - found Looking for C++ include istream Looking for C++ include istream - found Looking for C++ include new Looking for C++ include new - found Looking for C++ include stack Looking for C++ include stack - found Looking for C++ include valarray Looking for C++ include valarray - found Looking for C++ include fstream Looking for C++ include fstream - found Looking for C++ include iterator Looking for C++ include iterator - found Looking for C++ include numeric Looking for C++ include numeric - found Looking for C++ include stdexcept Looking for C++ include stdexcept - found Looking for C++ include vector Looking for C++ include vector - found Looking for C++ include functional Looking for C++ include functional - found Looking for C++ include strstream Looking for C++ include strstream - found Looking for C++ include iso646.h Looking for C++ include iso646.h - found Looking for C++ include emmintrin.h Looking for C++ include emmintrin.h - found Looking for C++ include windows.h Looking for C++ include windows.h - found Looking for include file assert.h Looking for include file assert.h - found Looking for include file pthread.h Looking for include file pthread.h - not found Looking for include file semaphore.h Looking for include file semaphore.h - not found Looking for include file dlfcn.h Looking for include file dlfcn.h - not found Looking for include file fcntl.h Looking for include file fcntl.h - found Looking for include file inttypes.h Looking for include file inttypes.h - found Looking for include file limits.h Looking for include file limits.h - found Looking for include file malloc.h Looking for include file malloc.h - found Looking for include file memory.h Looking for include file memory.h - found Looking for include file search.h Looking for include file search.h - found Looking for include file stdint.h Looking for include file stdint.h - found Looking for include file stdlib.h Looking for include file stdlib.h - found Looking for include file strings.h Looking for include file strings.h - not found Looking for include file string.h Looking for include file string.h - found Looking for include file sys/stat.h Looking for include file sys/stat.h - found Looking for include file sys/times.h Looking for include file sys/times.h - not found Looking for include file sys/types.h Looking for include file sys/types.h - found Looking for include file unistd.h Looking for include file unistd.h - not found Looking for C++ include tr1/memory Looking for C++ include tr1/memory - not found Looking for std::shared_ptr Looking for std::shared_ptr - found Looking for std::tr1::shared_ptr Looking for std::tr1::shared_ptr - found Looking for std::tr1::shared_ptr Looking for std::tr1::shared_ptr - not found. Performing Test VXL_HAS_SSE2_HARDWARE_SUPPORT Performing Test VXL_HAS_SSE2_HARDWARE_SUPPORT - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_MM_MALLOC Performing Test VXL_HAS_MM_MALLOC - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_ALIGNED_MALLOC Performing Test VXL_HAS_ALIGNED_MALLOC - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_MINGW_ALIGNED_MALLOC Performing Test VXL_HAS_MINGW_ALIGNED_MALLOC - Failed Performing Test VXL_HAS_POSIX_MEMALIGN Performing Test VXL_HAS_POSIX_MEMALIGN - Failed Performing Test VCL_COMPLEX_POW_WORKS Performing Test VCL_COMPLEX_POW_WORKS - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_STD_ISNAN Performing Test VXL_HAS_STD_ISNAN - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_STD_ISINF Performing Test VXL_HAS_STD_ISINF - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_STD_ISFINITE Performing Test VXL_HAS_STD_ISFINITE - Success Performing Test VXL_HAS_STD_ISNORMAL Performing Test VXL_HAS_STD_ISNORMAL - Success Looking for sqrtf Looking for sqrtf - found Looking for finite Looking for finite - not found Looking for finitef Looking for finitef - not found Looking for finitel Looking for finitel - not found Looking for finite Looking for finite - not found Looking for lrand48 Looking for lrand48 - not found Looking for drand48 Looking for drand48 - not found Looking for srand48 Looking for srand48 - not found Check if the system is big endian Searching 16 bit integer Looking for sys/types.h Looking for sys/types.h - found Looking for stdint.h Looking for stdint.h - found Looking for stddef.h Looking for stddef.h - found Check size of unsigned short Check size of unsigned short - done Using unsigned short Check if the system is big endian - little endian Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_IMPLICIT_TEMPLATES Performing Test VCL_CAN_DO_IMPLICIT_TEMPLATES - Success Performing Test VCL_CHAR_IS_SIGNED Performing Test VCL_CHAR_IS_SIGNED - Success Looking for 8-bit int. [Checking char...] Looking for 8-bit int. Found char. Looking for 8-bit int. [Checking short...] Looking for 8-bit int. [Checking char...] Looking for 8-bit int. Found char. Looking for 16-bit int. [Checking char...] Looking for 16-bit int. [Checking int...] Looking for 16-bit int. [Checking short...] Looking for 16-bit int. Found short. Looking for 32-bit int. [Checking short...] Looking for 32-bit int. [Checking long...] Looking for 32-bit int. [Checking int...] Looking for 32-bit int. Found int. Looking for 64-bit int. [Checking __int64...] Looking for 64-bit int. [Checking long long...] Looking for 64-bit int. [Checking long...] Looking for 64-bit int. Found long long. Looking for 32-bit float. [Checking long double...] Looking for 32-bit float. [Checking double...] Looking for 32-bit float. [Checking float...] Looking for 32-bit float. Found float. Looking for 64-bit float. [Checking float...] Looking for 64-bit float. [Checking long double...] Looking for 64-bit float. [Checking double...] Looking for 64-bit float. Found double. Looking for 96-bit float. [Checking float...] Looking for 96-bit float. [Checking double...] Looking for 96-bit float. [Checking long double...] Looking for 96-bit float. Not found. Looking for 128-bit float. [Checking float...] Looking for 128-bit float. [Checking double...] Looking for 128-bit float. [Checking long double...] Looking for 128-bit float. Not found. Looking for C++ include unistd.h Looking for C++ include unistd.h - not found Looking for C++ include limits Looking for C++ include limits - found Performing Test VCL_NUMERIC_LIMITS_HAS_INFINITY Performing Test VCL_NUMERIC_LIMITS_HAS_INFINITY - Success Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED_ATTR Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED_ATTR - Failed Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED - Success Check if the system is big endian Searching 16 bit integer Using unsigned short Check if the system is big endian - little endian Looking for pthread.h Looking for pthread.h - not found Found Threads: TRUE Checking to see if this platform has the __FUNCTION__ C-Preprocessor directive Checking to see if this platform supports has the __FUNCTION__ C-Preprocessor directive - yes Looking for include file fenv.h Looking for include file fenv.h - found Looking for include file emmintrin.h Looking for include file emmintrin.h - found Performing Test ITK_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_SSE2_64 Performing Test ITK_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_SSE2_64 - Failed Performing Test ITK_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_SSE2_32 Performing Test ITK_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_SSE2_32 - Success Performing Test ITK_COMPILER_DOES_NOT_NEED_MSSE2_FLAG Performing Test ITK_COMPILER_DOES_NOT_NEED_MSSE2_FLAG - Failed Looking for InterlockedAdd Looking for InterlockedAdd - found Looking for C++ include tr1/type_traits Looking for C++ include tr1/type_traits - not found Looking for C++ include type_traits Looking for C++ include type_traits - found Check for STD namespace Check for STD namespace - found Looking for stdint.h Looking for stdint.h - found Found ZLIB: itkzlib Found EXPAT: ITKEXPAT Looking for include file sys/time.h Looking for include file sys/time.h - not found Looking for include file winsock.h Looking for include file winsock.h - found Looking for include files winsock.h, byteswap.h Looking for include files winsock.h, byteswap.h - not found Looking for rpc.h Looking for rpc.h - found Looking for langinfo.h Looking for langinfo.h - not found Looking for nl_langinfo Looking for nl_langinfo - not found Looking for strcasecmp Looking for strcasecmp - not found Looking for strncasecmp Looking for strncasecmp - not found Looking for snprintf Looking for snprintf - found Looking for strptime Looking for strptime - not found Looking for _stricmp Looking for _stricmp - found Looking for _strnicmp Looking for _strnicmp - found Looking for _snprintf Looking for _snprintf - not found Looking for lround Looking for lround - not found Looking for gettimeofday Looking for gettimeofday - not found Performing Test GDCM_CXX_HAS_FUNCTION Performing Test GDCM_CXX_HAS_FUNCTION - Failed Performing Test GDCM_HAVE_WCHAR_IFSTREAM Performing Test GDCM_HAVE_WCHAR_IFSTREAM - Failed Looking for pthread.h Looking for pthread.h - not found Looking for stdlib.h Looking for stdlib.h - found Check if the system is big endian Searching 16 bit integer Using unsigned short Check if the system is big endian - little endian Looking for string.h Looking for string.h - found Looking for memory.h Looking for memory.h - found Looking for stdio.h Looking for stdio.h - found Looking for math.h Looking for math.h - found Looking for float.h Looking for float.h - found Looking for time.h Looking for time.h - found Looking for stdarg.h Looking for stdarg.h - found Looking for ctype.h Looking for ctype.h - found Looking for assert.h Looking for assert.h - found Looking for stdint.h Looking for stdint.h - found Looking for inttypes.h Looking for inttypes.h - found Looking for strings.h Looking for strings.h - not found Looking for sys/stat.h Looking for sys/stat.h - found Checking for 64-bit off_t Checking for 64-bit off_t - not present Checking for fseeko/ftello Checking for fseeko/ftello - not found Large File support - not found Looking for include file malloc.h Looking for include file malloc.h - found Looking for _aligned_malloc Looking for _aligned_malloc - found Looking for posix_memalign Looking for posix_memalign - not found Looking for memalign Looking for memalign - not found Looking for strsignal Looking for strsignal - not found Looking for gethostname in ucb; Looking for gethostname in ucb; - not found Performing Other Test STDC_HEADERS - Success CMake Warning (dev) at C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.12/Modules/CheckIncludeFiles.cmake:110 (message): Policy CMP0075 is not set: Include file check macros honor CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0075" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES is set to: ws2_32.lib;wsock32.lib For compatibility with CMake 3.11 and below this check is ignoring it. Call Stack (most recent call first): Modules/ThirdParty/HDF5/src/itkhdf5/config/cmake_ext_mod/ConfigureChecks.cmake:192 (CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES) Modules/ThirdParty/HDF5/src/itkhdf5/config/cmake_ext_mod/ConfigureChecks.cmake:201 (CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CONCAT) Modules/ThirdParty/HDF5/src/itkhdf5/config/cmake/ConfigureChecks.cmake:5 (include) Modules/ThirdParty/HDF5/src/itkhdf5/CMakeLists.txt:372 (include) This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. Looking for include files windows.h, sys/resource.h Looking for include files windows.h, sys/resource.h - not found Looking for include files windows.h, sys/time.h Looking for include files windows.h, sys/time.h - not found Looking for include files windows.h, unistd.h Looking for include files windows.h, unistd.h - not found Looking for include files windows.h, sys/ioctl.h Looking for include files windows.h, sys/ioctl.h - not found Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., sys/socket.h Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., sys/socket.h - not found Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., setjmp.h Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., setjmp.h - found Looking for 6 include files windows.h, ..., features.h Looking for 6 include files windows.h, ..., features.h - not found Looking for 6 include files windows.h, ..., dirent.h Looking for 6 include files windows.h, ..., dirent.h - not found Looking for 6 include files windows.h, ..., stdint.h Looking for 6 include files windows.h, ..., stdint.h - found Looking for C++ include stdint.h Looking for C++ include stdint.h - found Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., mach/mach_time.h Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., mach/mach_time.h - not found Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., io.h Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., io.h - found Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h - found Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., sys/timeb.h Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., sys/timeb.h - found Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., globus/common.h Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., globus/common.h - not found Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., pdb.h Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., pdb.h - not found Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., pthread.h Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., pthread.h - not found Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., srbclient.h Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., srbclient.h - not found Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., string.h Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., string.h - found Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., strings.h Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., strings.h - not found Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., stdlib.h Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., stdlib.h - found Looking for 12 include files windows.h, ..., memory.h Looking for 12 include files windows.h, ..., memory.h - found Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., dlfcn.h Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., dlfcn.h - not found Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., inttypes.h Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., inttypes.h - found Looking for 14 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/in.h Looking for 14 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/in.h - not found Check size of char Check size of char - done Check size of short Check size of short - done Check size of int Check size of int - done Check size of unsigned Check size of unsigned - done Check size of long Check size of long - done Check size of long long Check size of long long - done Check size of __int64 Check size of __int64 - done Check size of float Check size of float - done Check size of double Check size of double - done Check size of long double Check size of long double - done Check size of int8_t Check size of int8_t - done Check size of uint8_t Check size of uint8_t - done Check size of int_least8_t Check size of int_least8_t - done Check size of uint_least8_t Check size of uint_least8_t - done Check size of int_fast8_t Check size of int_fast8_t - done Check size of uint_fast8_t Check size of uint_fast8_t - done Check size of int16_t Check size of int16_t - done Check size of uint16_t Check size of uint16_t - done Check size of int_least16_t Check size of int_least16_t - done Check size of uint_least16_t Check size of uint_least16_t - done Check size of int_fast16_t Check size of int_fast16_t - done Check size of uint_fast16_t Check size of uint_fast16_t - done Check size of int32_t Check size of int32_t - done Check size of uint32_t Check size of uint32_t - done Check size of int_least32_t Check size of int_least32_t - done Check size of uint_least32_t Check size of uint_least32_t - done Check size of int_fast32_t Check size of int_fast32_t - done Check size of uint_fast32_t Check size of uint_fast32_t - done Check size of int64_t Check size of int64_t - done Check size of uint64_t Check size of uint64_t - done Check size of int_least64_t Check size of int_least64_t - done Check size of uint_least64_t Check size of uint_least64_t - done Check size of int_fast64_t Check size of int_fast64_t - done Check size of uint_fast64_t Check size of uint_fast64_t - done Check size of size_t Check size of size_t - done Check size of ssize_t Check size of ssize_t - failed Check size of off_t Check size of off_t - done Check size of off64_t Check size of off64_t - failed Looking for 14 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h Looking for 14 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h - found Check size of _Bool Check size of _Bool - done Looking for alarm Looking for alarm - not found Looking for fork Looking for fork - not found Looking for frexpf Looking for frexpf - not found Looking for frexpl Looking for frexpl - not found Looking for getpwuid Looking for getpwuid - not found Looking for getrusage Looking for getrusage - not found Looking for lstat Looking for lstat - not found Looking for rand_r Looking for rand_r - not found Looking for random Looking for random - not found Looking for setsysinfo Looking for setsysinfo - not found Looking for signal Looking for signal - found Looking for setjmp Looking for setjmp - found Looking for siglongjmp Looking for siglongjmp - not found Looking for sigsetjmp Looking for sigsetjmp - not found Looking for sigprocmask Looking for sigprocmask - not found Looking for snprintf Looking for snprintf - not found Looking for srandom Looking for srandom - not found Looking for symlink Looking for symlink - not found Looking for tmpfile Looking for tmpfile - found Looking for asprintf Looking for asprintf - not found Looking for vasprintf Looking for vasprintf - not found Looking for waitpid Looking for waitpid - not found Looking for vsnprintf Looking for vsnprintf - not found Looking for sigsetjmp Looking for sigsetjmp - not found Performing CXX Test OLD_HEADER_FILENAME - Failed Performing CXX Test H5_NO_NAMESPACE - Failed Performing CXX Test H5_NO_STD - Failed Performing CXX Test BOOL_NOTDEFINED - Failed Performing CXX Test NO_STATIC_CAST - Failed Checking for InitOnceExecuteOnce: Performing Test InitOnceExecuteOnce - Success Performing Other Test HAVE_INLINE - Success Performing Other Test HAVE___INLINE__ - Failed Performing Other Test HAVE___INLINE - Success Checking for appropriate format for 64 bit long: Checking for appropriate format for 64 bit long: found "I64" Looking for difftime Looking for difftime - found Checking IF your system converts long double to (unsigned) long values with special algorithm... no Checking IF your system can convert (unsigned) long to long double values with special algorithm... no Checking IF correctly converting long double to (unsigned) long long values... yes Checking IF correctly converting (unsigned) long long to long double values... yes Checking IF alignment restrictions are strictly enforced... yes Filter ZLIB is ON Looking for include file dlfcn.h Looking for include file dlfcn.h - not found Looking for include file fcntl.h Looking for include file fcntl.h - found Looking for include file inttypes.h Looking for include file inttypes.h - found Looking for include file limits.h Looking for include file limits.h - found Looking for include file malloc.h Looking for include file malloc.h - found Looking for include file sys/time.h Looking for include file sys/time.h - not found Looking for include file windows.h Looking for include file windows.h - found Looking for include file ieeefp.h Looking for include file ieeefp.h - not found Looking for include file search.h Looking for include file search.h - found Looking for floor Looking for floor - found Looking for getopt Looking for getopt - not found Looking for isascii Looking for isascii - not found Looking for memmove Looking for memmove - found Looking for memset Looking for memset - found Looking for mmap Looking for mmap - not found Looking for pow Looking for pow - found Looking for sqrt Looking for sqrt - found Looking for strcasecmp Looking for strcasecmp - not found Looking for strchr Looking for strchr - found Looking for strrchr Looking for strrchr - found Looking for strstr Looking for strstr - found Looking for strtol Looking for strtol - found Looking for strtoul Looking for strtoul - found Check size of int Check size of int - done Check size of long Check size of long - done Check if the system is big endian Searching 16 bit integer Using unsigned short Check if the system is big endian - little endian Looking for mkstemp Looking for mkstemp - not found Looking for tmpnam Looking for tmpnam - found Looking for tempnam Looking for tempnam - found Looking for strerror Looking for strerror - found Looking for popen Looking for popen - not found Looking for fork Looking for fork - not found Looking for vfork Looking for vfork - not found Looking for fdopen Looking for fdopen - found Looking for strdup Looking for strdup - found Looking for getpwnam Looking for getpwnam - not found Looking for select Looking for select - not found Looking for sysconf Looking for sysconf - not found Looking for system Looking for system - found Looking for rint Looking for rint - found Looking for copysign Looking for copysign - found Looking for round Looking for round - found Looking for srand48 Looking for srand48 - not found Looking for drand48 Looking for drand48 - not found Looking for sleep Looking for sleep - not found Looking for gettimeofday Looking for gettimeofday - not found Looking for clock_gettime in rt Looking for clock_gettime in rt - not found Looking for clock_gettime Looking for clock_gettime - not found Looking for include file sys/dir.h Looking for include file sys/dir.h - not found Looking for include file sys/ndir.h Looking for include file sys/ndir.h - not found Looking for include file sys/wait.h Looking for include file sys/wait.h - not found Looking for include file values.h Looking for include file values.h - not found Looking for include file dirent.h Looking for include file dirent.h - not found Looking for include file vfork.h Looking for include file vfork.h - not found Looking for include file pwd.h Looking for include file pwd.h - not found Looking for include file sys/select.h Looking for include file sys/select.h - not found Check the value of the 22nd bit of a 32-bit quiet-NaN Check the value of the 22nd bit of a 32-bit quiet-NaN - 1 Found Perl: C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe (found version "5.20.0") Configuring done