26 results for "failed": Performing Test C_HAS_WARNING-Wno-long-double - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wno-long-double - Failed Performing Test CXX_HAS_WARNING-Wstrict-null-sentinel - Failed Performing Test VCL_OVERLOAD_CAST - Failed Performing Test VCL_NULL_TMPL_ARGS - Failed Performing Try-Run Test VCL_HAS_TEMPLATE_SYMBOLS - Test Compilation Failed Performing Test VCL_NEEDS_NAMESPACE_STD - Failed Performing Test VXL_HAS_DBGHELP_H - Failed Performing Test VXL_HAS_ALIGNED_MALLOC - Failed Performing Test VXL_HAS_MINGW_ALIGNED_MALLOC - Failed Performing Test VXL_HAS_POSIX_MEMALIGN - Failed Performing Test ITK_PRIVATE_DYNAMIC_CAST - Failed Performing Test GDCM_HAVE_WCHAR_IFSTREAM - Failed Performing Other Test HAVE_OFF64_T - Failed Check size of __int64 - failed Check size of off64_t - failed Performing Other Test HAVE___TM_GMTOFF - Failed Performing Other Test HAVE_TM_ZONE - Failed Performing Other Test HAVE_STRUCT_TM_TM_ZONE - Failed Performing Other Test HAVE_STRUCT_VIDEOCONFIG - Failed Performing Other Test HAVE_STRUCT_TEXT_INFO - Failed Performing CXX Test OLD_HEADER_FILENAME - Failed Performing CXX Test H5_NO_NAMESPACE - Failed Performing CXX Test H5_NO_STD - Failed Performing CXX Test BOOL_NOTDEFINED - Failed Performing CXX Test NO_STATIC_CAST - Failed 44 results for "not found": Looking for C++ include windows.h - not found Looking for include file malloc.h - not found Looking for C++ include tr1/memory - not found Looking for std::tr1::shared_ptr - not found. Looking for std::tr1::shared_ptr - not found. Looking for finitef - not found Looking for finitel - not found Looking for finite - not found Looking for 96-bit float. Not found. Looking for tell - not found Looking for C++ include tr1/type_traits - not found Looking for include files sys/time.h, winsock.h - not found Looking for include files sys/time.h, byteswap.h - not found Looking for rpc.h - not found Looking for _stricmp - not found Looking for _strnicmp - not found Looking for _snprintf - not found Looking for include file malloc.h - not found Looking for _aligned_malloc - not found Looking for memalign - not found Looking for WSAStartup in ws2_32;m;dl - not found Looking for gethostbyname in wsock32;m;dl - not found Looking for gethostname in ucb;m;dl - not found Looking for 10 include files sys/resource.h, ..., features.h - not found Looking for 13 include files sys/resource.h, ..., io.h - not found Looking for 13 include files sys/resource.h, ..., winsock2.h - not found Looking for 14 include files sys/resource.h, ..., globus/common.h - not found Looking for 14 include files sys/resource.h, ..., pdb.h - not found Looking for 15 include files sys/resource.h, ..., srbclient.h - not found Looking for CLOCK_MONOTONIC - not found Looking for _getvideoconfig - not found Looking for gettextinfo - not found Looking for _scrsize - not found Looking for GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo - not found Looking for setsysinfo - not found Looking for clock_gettime in rt - not found Looking for clock_gettime in posix4 - not found Looking for include file malloc.h - not found Looking for include file windows.h - not found Looking for include file ieeefp.h - not found Looking for clock_gettime in rt - not found Looking for include file sys/ndir.h - not found Looking for include file values.h - not found Looking for include file vfork.h - not found