swig error after upgrading to 5.0

Hi Jianxu,

The initial release of the ITK 5.0.0 Python packages contained a bug that may be the source of your problem. Please try

python -m pip install --upgrade itk

to install the itk-5.0.0.post1 Python package.

The code can replace by this single call:

itk_GAC = itk.geodesic_active_contour_level_set_image_filter(itk_seed,

Notice than the corresponding API is easily implied, we can use snake case, we do not need to specify the filter type, and a single call replaces instantiating the filter, setting its parameters, calling .Update(), and calling .GetOutput().

An overview of the new interface can be found in the ITK 5.0 Beta 1: Pythonic Interface release announcement.

@hjmjohnson is leading a major update to the ITK Sphinx Examples. This is currently a work in progress, but the plan to improve these to use the new interface as the dust settles.

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