Compiling ~MinimalPathExtraction~ with ITK 5.2.1

This error is not in TubeTK, it is in MinimalPathExtraction.

For TubeTK from python, the easiest approach is to use

pip install --pre itk-tubetk

I just posted a new version of TubeTK (1.1rc01) last night (hence the -pre argument). TubeTKv1.1rc01 works with ITKv5.3rc03. It will automatically bring in MinimalPathExtraction wheels

Otherwise, for ITKv5.2.1, you will need the older version of TubeTK
pip install itk-tubetk # no -pre option

If you still want to compile from source, I am not certain why you are seeing those error in MinimalPathExtraction. You would need to contact the MinimalPathExtraction developers for confirmation. It should be easy to track down where MinimalPathExtraction_EXPORT is being defined and include that file in the appropriate source code. Those exports typically default to empty string except on windows (as I recall, but it has been years since I looked at that definition), if so, you could simply delete those references. It is regretful to have to modify code in that way, but I’m not certain how responsive the MinimalPathExtraction folks are.

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