I remember you suggested the term hyperrectangular:
Wikipedia explained to me that the term hyperrectangle is a “generalization of a rectangle for higher dimensions”.
Personally I feel that the “hyper” adjective is not really necessary, as the template argument VImageDimension already indicates that the rectangle may be generalized for higher dimensionalities.
Note that itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> also supports dimensionalities higher than 2 (even though the ITK image class has not been named something like itk::Hyperimage<THyperpixel, VImageDimension>).
Note also that this shape class supports 1-D as well. Would that be a hypo rectangular shape?
Hi @Niels_Dekker, it would be definitively ok for me. NRectangle, or HyperRectangle might be more explicit, but as you mentioned, if the image dimension is a required template parameter, that can be inferred. I would just recommend to avoid the temptation of providing a default template parameter (= 2) for ImageDimension because the name (which I am sure is not in your plans).